Artist Profile

Johannes Holt Iversen

Born 1989, Denmark.

Artist Profile

Johannes Holt Iversen

Born 1989, Denmark

Johannes Holt Iversen’s artworks investigate the representation of light, shadow, and matter.

Johannes Holt Iversen (born 1989) is a Danish painter and sculptor currently located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He is an apprentice of Danish painter and sculptor Erik Rytter (former assistant of Poul Gernes).

In his work, he tends to work from the material and out first, having in mind the lineage of artistic creation and representation. He is a multidisciplinary artist. Currently, he is investigating the representation of light, shadow, and matter; this often results in a hybrid between sculpture and painting, where the space and the viewer surrounding it have the ability to transform it! In his practice, he has been drawn towards illuminating natural and cultural occurrences such as paintings, banners, marketed products, and the use of shapes and symbols. His works can be abstract at times but are always related to a real-world counterpart, often appearing from the use of materials; used in other industries such as retroreflection technology from the aviation industry, functional aesthetics from general construction, and chrome pigments from the car manufacturing industry.


Lascaux 1.8.28 beta, 2021
Oak/Birch wooden plate, Holographic PVC, Retroreflective Polyester, Transparent Vinyl, Shellac & Ink/Polymer Acrylic
52 cm x 55 cm x 16 cm

Lascaux 1.8.71 Dual-Core II, 2021
Oak/Birch wooden plate, Holographic PVC, Retroreflective Polyester, Transparent Vinyl, Shellac & Ink/Polymer Acrylic
47 cm x 39 cm x 15 cm

Lascaux 1.8.42 beta, 2021
Oak/Birch wooden plate, Holographic PVC, Retroreflective Polyester, Transparent Vinyl, Shellac & Ink/Polymer Acrylic
35 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm

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